Castle Fall Update/ Roadmap

Final Project Outline/RoadMap

Castle Fall

  1. The intent of the game is for the player to navigate various platforms from point A to point B over the course of several levels
  2. The Theme of the game is a ball roller where one navigates previously stated platforms that resemble the top pathways/ Towers of a castle.
  3. I do not have a story or background for this game.
  4. Total time it should take to complete in its current state would be about 3 hours more for the level construction, as for playing the game, lets say about 10 to 20 minutes. 3 minutes if you speedrun it.
  5. I made this game as something of a challenge for myself as an aspiring Game Designer. I wanted to make a game that wasn’t too difficult but at the same time, it could be entertaining. I wasn’t expecting as much work as I did with my current skill set, but I have tried my current best to come up with a game such as this for a start. I do not know what future I have after this project but I will try to improve and make better games later.






Castle 35 MB
Oct 19, 2022

Get Castle Fall

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